
努力を積んで習得した学歴、経験、テクニカルスキルは、希望するキャリアへの道を開き、就職面接への招待につながります。では、同等の経験を持つ多くの候補者が挑む面接では、何が採用につながるのでしょう。最近発表されたハーバード大学の研究によると、ソーシャルスキル(対人場面においてのジェスチャー、ボディランゲージ、外見力、言語・非言語的コミュニケーション)が、就職、昇進のトップ要因であると発表されました。(Source: CNN MONEY)多くの就活者は履歴書のマージンや受け答えの内容の準備に時間をかけがちです。




【Interview Training】

Your attitude and behavior toward others are as important as your resume, experience, education, and technical skills.

However, too many job candidates spend more time worrying about their resume than their manners, and they do not realize that employers are searching for individuals who have not only job-related experience but also who will be a good fit in their business culture. They are looking for human qualities that can make a difference in business relationships. Your excellent responses to their questions may not be effectively conveyed if you don’t know how to talk.

Before you head out the door for that next important interview, don’t forget to work on one of the most powerful business tools: ETIQUETTE. Your etiquette and people skills will separate you from other candidates and take you to a high phase of the hiring process. Through our “Job Interview Etiquette Training”, job seekers learn how to effectively present themselves during interviews. It will boost your self-confidence to increase your chances for your best performance of standing out from other job seekers and getting hired.

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