【ビジネスマナー トレーニング】

アメリカに滞在する日本人を含む多くの国際人は英語がビジネスにおけるサクセスへの第一歩だと信じています。 ところが、アメリカの職場は、言葉だけではなく、思考・行動パターンも日本の職場とは異なります。技術的に有能な国際人による企業への貢献がますます増える一方、職場やビジネス社会においての文化間でのコミュニケーションも複雑化しています。第二言語である英語力のみでアウトパフォーマンスできるでしょうか?


協調性を重んじる日本人社員と合理性を重視するアメリカ社員の間でのコミュニケーション、Gender freeなアメリカビジネス社会での対応の仕方、アメリカ人同僚やクライアントに好印象を与える方法、正しい紹介の仕方、残業に対する観念の違い等々、エクスパットのアメリカビジネスマナートレーニングにおける必要性において、実際にアメリカ企業サイドからのディマンドが急増化しています。




【Business Manner in the United States for Internationals】

Many international business people overlook the importance of business etiquette skills in today’s American business world. These people often believe that mastering English is the most important skill to outperform others. To them, proper business etiquette is something they already “know” or can easily attain or out-of-date and not applicable to modern business.

  • Yet, do you know how to introduce yourself or others properly?
  • Has your behavior been misunderstood in any intercultural business setting?
  • Do you know “how” you speak so people actually listen?
  • Have you searched for information on how to appear more confident and credible in the American business world?

Without a good grasp of proper business etiquette, you may be missing an incredible opportunity or a potential client. Your education, intelligence, and professional experiences brought you to the U.S. Among these professionals who have a comparable level of education and skills, what separates you from others when it comes to success is your ability to connect with others, which is your social skill in American business. Having business etiquette skills is crucial to your success in the modern business world.

Our “Business Etiquette Training” makes the difference between an adequate performance and a higher level of performance that launches you a successful career in the global business world, regardless of the stage in your career or the level of English language ..you speak.

More Questions!? Please contact us at admin@jta-inc.com